Why is it necessary to exclude capitalism from the life of society?

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TEV-DEM is an umbrella organization in northern Syria with the goal of organizing Syrian society under a democratic confederalist system. How does TEV-DEM work? How are they keeping capitalism out of society? What difficulties do they face in protecting the revolution in Rojava from capitalism? How will they prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for the capital owners? These and similar topics will be discussed.
Capitalism has a great impact on today's society. In the „Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES)“, also known as Rojava, a de facto autonomous region in northeastern Syria, the people try to live outside of capitalism. The „Movement for a Democratic Society (Kurdish: Tevgera Civaka Demokratîk)“ (TEV-DEM) is an umbrella organization with the goal of organizing Syrian society under a democratic confederalist system. It seeks to organize society freely and democratically. One part of this work is to stand against capitalism and its impacts. How does TEV-DEM work? How are they keeping capitalism out of society? What difficulties do they face in protecting the revolution in Rojava from capitalism? How will they prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for the capital owners? These and similar topics will be discussed. To talk about these topics we invited Roken Ahmed. Roken Ahmed comes from Kobanê and has been active in revolutionary work since 1993. During this period, she has worked in all areas of north-eastern Syria as well as in Aleppo and Damascus. She is also a member of the women's association Kongreya Star. She is a co-chair of TEV-DEM since February 2022.
Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil des RAAR - Symposiums: Revolution im Alltag und Alltag in der Revolution, organisiert von der IMS – Initiative of Mutual Studies of the Students of Rojava and Bremen, der Rosa-Luxemburg-Initiative Bremen und dem Kulturzentrum Kukoon.